The Coming Apostasy Part Two
Michael Plemmons
I have spent the last three days grieving and weeping on my face before the Lord. All around me the scented clouds of Father’s presence adds both sweetness and a sense of urgency to the revelation I am receiving. In all my years of service to my Lord I have never been pressed in my spirit to call out to my Lord in intercession for the body of Christ than I do now.
The words spoken to me by Enoch have left an indelible impression on my heart. I have grieved as I watched the message and convictions of our faith watered down. In its place a hunger for experience above all other things has formed like a cancer in the church.
Lying beside me also face down and calling out to the Lord is my mentor and friend Enoch. Our sense of urgency is magnified by the presence of the seven archangels of God. Three days ago they surrounded us and their intensity of anointing is having an effect on both of us.
Enoch reached over and took my hand and we both stood to our feet. His face reflected both the intensity we both had felt in our time of intercession as well as the love and compassion he has for me. Enoch put his arms around me and pulled me close and we stood there for a long moment in complete silence.
I could see the archangels surrounding us in a circle over Enoch’s shoulder. He reached down and picking up both our staffs passed mine to me. His face was glowing with the light of the Lord. A warm smile spread across his face and he turned and in so doing cast his eyes in the distance ahead. I somehow feel I have begun a journey with this trip that shall bring eternal changes in my life.
Enoch put his arm on my shoulder and said, “My son the time has come and Father is calling you to himself. The time has come and you as yet have no idea what is coming. These mighty warriors of God have been sent to be your royal escort into the realm of God to which you are called.
You have faced many challenges in your life and Father has put you to the test over and over again. Yet as challenging as they were they were nothing more than Father in his love for you preparing you for the task he has for you. You shall be challenged as never before but the price shall be but a small thing to walk in that place he has prepared you for all these years.”
Having said this, tears welled up in Enoch’s eyes and he reached over and embraced me once more.
“Michael my son, I am but the first of seven witnesses whom you shall meet on this present journey they shall one after the other prepare your heart by opening your understanding of both what is yet to come and Father’s call on your life. Have no fear my son the apostasy spoken of by Paul and others shall be vanquished by the true anointing and glory Father is bringing into the world at this time”
Do not fear my son though the hour is late yet even in an apostate hour such as this Father has a faithful remnant whose hearts cry day and night to the Lord. These are they of whom the world is not worthy. They shall walk in the true faith and anointing of their Father and their voices even now are coming up before Father as a sweet savior.”
Having said this Enoch turned and began to walk back in the direction from which he had come. I watched him until he was lost from sight within the swirling clouds of Father’s glory.
Grasping my staff I turned because I know I must press on for the hour is late and I can feel the anointed presence of Father calling to my heart in the distance. As I started to walk the seven archangels of Father’s glory turned and walked with me. They are still surrounding me and, I little me, am in the middle. May my Father be glorified in all I say and do. May my heart remain fixed on pressing on no matter what the cost that I might serve him.
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