Tuesday, October 7, 2014

An ISIS plot that should terrify all of you…sending ebola infected agents to western countries


Allegedly, ISIS will try to send Muslims infected with Ebola into America to infect and kill Americans. ISIS threatened the United States, and its allies to spread the Ebola virus, within those states, if they continue to wage war on the Islamic State’s growing caliphate inside Syria and Iraq.

Shoebat (h/t Mike F) ISIS explained that among the viruses that its members can “synthesize and produce” are “Ebola and Corona”. ISIS also said,
followers and soldiers of the Islamic State are mostly suicide bombers and all of them are ready not only to carry Ebola, but to drink Ebola if they were asked to carry and spread it in the United States. This is not difficult but we need a decision from the leaders jihadist.
Ebola could easily be transmitted through bodily fluids, including sweat, tears, saliva, blood, urine, semen, etc., including objects that have come in contact with bodily fluids (such as bed sheets, clothing, and needles) and corpses.
It is said that “this disease will go airborne, and there are many other mechanisms through which mutation might make it much more transmissible.”
The statement from ISIS said that:
the process of spreading disease is not difficult, it is easily transported in a bottle in your bag and take them from Africa to America and open in a air-conditioning duct or put it in the public drinking water by elevator doors
The statement from ISIS also said:
the process of cultivating bacteria can be done by any student in the Faculty of Science or Department of Biology. They do not need complex laboratories and even a makeshift laboratory can be made in a small apartment in which we can farm millions of germs and viruses.

However, Jack Chow, service professor of global health at Carnegie Mellon University, says that by the time a would be martyr came to America, the symptoms of ebola would be conspicuously displayed on his person, and he would be too sick to get passed customs.
But, this does not mean ISIS cannot use animals, especially bats, to carry ebola into America. Bats in particular are effective carriers of ebola and could be easily utilized to transport ebola.
Muslims could also contract ebola during the annual Hajj which is suppose to be starting soon, in which millions of Muslims will gather together in Mecca. Saudi Arabian authorities have stepped up safety and security measures, and there is a long list of troubles they hope to avoid: crime, fire, stampedes, and the spread of infectious disease.


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