Obama's Hatred for Israel Will Bring a Curse on America
By Liberty Counsel
The Obama administration is reportedly helping to formulate a United Nations Security Council motion to proclaim an independent Palestinian state. According to published reports, senior U.S. officials met with French representatives in Paris to map out the borders of the new Palestinian state and to set the target date. With American approval, overwhelming passage of the motion is expected. Israel will face Security Council sanctions if it does not comply.
"President Obama must hate America because his hostility towards Israel will bring a curse on our country," said Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel. "No nation that has opposed Israel or taken the land of the Jews has survived. Babylon, Persia, Rome and Nazi Germany have all ceased, but Israel and the Jewish people remain," Staver points out.
"President Obama is playing with fire and he is dragging every American citizen with him into the pit of hell," continued Staver. "I am ashamed that a sitting president would side with those who hate Israel. This act of rebellion by Obama is childish and dangerous. President Obama's death wish is not shared by the people of the United States of America."
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