Friday, June 26, 2015

ISIS in Jerusalem Threatens Christians

By Ari Yashar

For the first time 'ISIS Palestine' publishes fliers in eastern part of the capital city threatening 'revenge' against Christians.

A flier published by in the name of the brutal Islamic State (ISIS) terrorist organization was put up around eastern Jerusalem on Thursday, in what is thought to be the first such announcement in the Israeli capital.
The flier threatens Christians in the area with "revenge," and is signed by the organization "ISIS Palestine," reports Channel 10.
ISIS does not have an operational presence in Israel, but support for the group among Islamists is on the rise, with dozens of Arab citizens leaving for Syria and Iraq to fight for the jihadist organization after ISIS members took part in Hamas's terror war against Israel last summer.
An ISIS-inspired cell was nabbed in Hevron in Judea last November, while in Gaza an affiliate of the group has clashed with Hamas and repeatedly fired rockets at Israel to spark fighting between Israel and Hamas.
Perhaps as a result of that threat to Hamas presented by ISIS, Palestinian Arab commentator Halad Ameira, who is considered to be a follower of Hamas's terrorist ideology, told Channel 10 the group should hold talks with Israel.
"A negotiation between Muslims and non-Muslims is something that should be taken into account," said Ameira. "Enemies negotiate when they're killing each other. What is forbidden according to religious law is concessions undercutting the key principles."
Hamas's charter calls for a genocide against all Jews, and the destruction of the State of Israel.
Ameira claimed that even if Hamas were to sign a ten-year "tahdiya" or temporary lull deal with Israel, it would not be a breach of key principles.
"Jihad is not a goal in and of itself but rather a means to achieve peace," he claimed, asserting that the terrorist violence aiming to destroy Israel was meant for "peace."


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