Tuesday, June 16, 2015

.The Weekly Persecution and Prayer Alert

By Dale Morgan

I will say of the Lord 'He is my refugeand my fortress, my God in whom I trust."
~ Psalm 91:2 NIV

ERITREA: Refugees Boldly Testify of Christian Faith
Source: Mission Network News
Inhumane prison conditions of Christians in Eritrea.

As Eritreans celebrated 24 years of independence last month, the underground Christian church remained among the religious minorities operating with the least freedom. In their latest report, the United States Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) warns that the greatest shortcomings in religious freedom are felt by minority groups such as those consisting of evangelical Christians. USCIRF maintains its position that Eritrea be designated again in 2015 as a "country of particular concern" under the International Religious Freedom Act.

Greg Musselman, a spokesman for The Voice of the Martyrs Canada, describes the extreme conditions faced by Eritrean Christians: "Today, you've got anywhere between 3,000 to 4,000 Christians there who are imprisoned in shipping containers or military camps because of their faith." Backed by the young nation's official ban on religious activities, Eritrea allows torture and other forms of cruelty toward religious prisoners, as well as random arrests and detentions without charges. Such practices, he adds, are motivated by the reality that "the government of Eritrea sees evangelical Christianity as 'western'...linking it with the CIA."

Numerous Eritrean Christians have sought to escape their hardships by fleeing to Ethiopia where their boldness is inspiring non-believers to receive salvation. Having personally spoken with several of these refugees, Greg Musselman reports, "They are actually seeing many from (various) religious backgrounds -- Muslim and Orthodox -- enter into a personal relationship with Jesus."

Praise the Lord for providing these Eritrean believers a means of escape to safe refuge, and also for using them to lead others to salvation! Please pray that He will work deeply in the hearts of the country's governing leaders so they will grant His people needed freedom to worship Him and glorify His matchless name. May the officials be strongly convicted of their wrongdoings in enforcing such ungodly policies and acutely aware of the fact that they must ultimately give an account of their lives and political governance to an Almighty God.

MEXICO: Defenders of the Persecuted Face Death Threats
Sources: International Christian Concern, Christian Solidarity Worldwide, Christian Post
Pray that the truth of God’s Word will be proclaimed in Mexico.

A community of believers in Hidalgo State, Mexico, has reportedly been threatened with death for their attempt to inform government agents about persecution towards Christians. The threats were issued in April by "Community Delegate" Jesus Dominguez Hernandez. When the group of Christians from Chichiltepec village presented their concerns to his office, the delegate was noticeably "infuriated" during their meeting and "threatened to kill all of the Christians present," report sources from the Mexican human rights organization, Impulso 18.

Christians of Chichiltepec village testify that they have suffered for resisting the pressure placed on them by Mr. Hernandez to leave their faith. Among the victims are cousins Casto Hernandez and Juan Placido who were jailed for nearly 30 hours for their refusal, and later ordered to vacate their homes. Casto explains that "because of the delegate's intolerance, he would not allow us to preach the Word of God." The incarcerated believer further states, "He tried to force me to renounce my faith in writing, but I would not do it."

An International Christian Concern (ICC) advocate insists that the Mexican government needs to "provide justice and protection for victims of religious persecution" while ensuring they are properly "dealing with local and/or state officials that are part of the problem." ICC claims there are at least 70 open cases of religious persecution going on against minority Christian communities in Chiapas, Hidalgo, Oaxaca, Puebla and Guerreroalone. VOMC's Greg Musselman recently produced a video report in which he interviewed Christians in Chiapas who were expelled from their homes merely for following Jesus.

Please uphold our Mexican brothers and sisters-in-Christ as they bravely stand up for their faith, despite the threats and challenges perpetrated against them. May they receive God's strength, comfort and grace in the midst of the spiritual battle. Pray that He will also minister to the afflicters, compelling them to abandon their wickedness and instead surrender their lives over to Him. In addition, ask the Lord to guide the governing authorities, helping them to be sensitive to the struggles faced by Mexico's wrongly treated Christians and mindful of their need for protection and justice.

NIGERIA: Boko Haram Stages New Assault on Maiduguri
Sources: International Christian Concern, VOANews
Pray for Nigeria’s newly appointed leader,

Boko Haram has been attacking the major city of Maiduguri to re-establish their original base of operations, recognizing its strategic importance. The city's location provides an advantage which would allow the militant group to more easily spread throughout Nigeria, as well as infiltrate neighbouring countries. National leaders in Nigeria, Niger, Chad and Cameroon are aware of this and have combined military forces to stop the group.

In recent weeks, 46 civilians have been killed by the group's three failed attempts to infiltrate the city limits. President Muhammadu Buhari announced in his inauguration speech that the military headquarters was moving from the capital of Abuja to Maiduguri in the fight against Boko Haram. Niger President Mahamadou Issoufou stated that a multi-national force to fight Boko Haram will become operational in a couple of weeks. Troops from Niger, Chad and Cameroon have been helping Nigeria fight the militant group, which has staged attacks in all three neighbouring countries.

More than 1.5 million Nigerians (many of whom are Christians) have been displaced by the nearly six-year Islamist uprising in Nigeria's northeast, which has already taken the lives of an estimated 13,000 people and caused tremendous anguish for countless more. For previously posted prayer alert and video reports on the dire situation in Nigeria, please go to the Nigeria Country Report.

Pray that the Lord will frustrate the evil plans of Boko Haram so they will fail in their continued attempts to perpetrate violence against Africa's innocent victims. May all those who have suffered at the hands of this militant group be spiritually, physically and emotionally healed, and thus enabled to overcome the trauma of the assaults. Intercede for the members of Boko Haram in hopes that many of them will come to know Christ in a personal and profound way. Also pray for Presidents Buhari and Issoufou, as well as all who are serving within these troubled countries, asking the Lord to grant them needed wisdom and protection as they implement strategies in their efforts to end the senseless violence and bloodshed.

The Persecution & Prayer Alert is a ministry of:
The Voice of the Martyrs Canada


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