Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Prosor: Time for the International Community to Wake Up

By Nitsan Keidar

Israel's UN ambassador demands the Security Council condemn the Palestinian incitement to terrorism, following Monday’s firebomb attack.

Israel's ambassador to the United Nations, Ron Prosor, on Tuesday asked the UN Security Council to condemn the Palestinian incitement to terrorism, following Monday’s firebomb attack in Jerusalem.
"While Israel is strongly opposed to any terrorist incident and condemns any terrorist attack, how surprising it is to see that after an Israeli citizen was wounded, the Palestinian leadership and the international community continue to maintain silence,” he said, noting that attacks against Israel have continued on other fronts as well.
“We are marking this summer a year since the end of Operation Protective Edge, but Hamas continues to fire rockets at Israeli civilians,” continued Prosor.
“Israel holds Hamas responsible for the rocket attacks, and since the end of the operation, rather than Hamas investing in the rehabilitation of the Gaza Strip, it invests in rebuilding its military capabilities. It is time for the international community to wake up, because silence is a prize for terror.”
"In light of the fact that it is perfectly clear that only one side is to blame for this dangerous provocation, I expect that the UN will not publish its default standard announcement that calls for both sides to show restraint, but for once, denounce unequivocally the one responsible for this - Hamas," said Prosor.


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