Friday, August 21, 2015

The World is entering a new dangerious era

By Michael Plemmons

Twenty years ago as I was in prayer the Lord opened up to me a future scenario which at the time made no sense to me. It did not fit with the world picture at all. I saw wars breaking out one right after the other. These wars would shake the world as it had never been shaken before. I was not shown the order in which they would come but that four major wars would break out one right after the other. In the vision I found myself in the air looking down on these wars as they came about.
 Again I do not know what order in which they will come but that they would come one right after the other and they would shake the entire world. These wars would be major wars and that what would separate them from past wars was that nuclear weapons for the first time since World War Two would be used in at least one if not all of them. These wars would be between North and South Korea, India and Pakistan, a new major war in the middle east that would imperial Israel, and finally a major new European war.

These wars would break out one right after the other until finally all four would be being fought at the same time. The world will react in horror and terror and a wave of plagues, economic uncertainty, and famine would follow in their wake. In the world of 1994 this scenario made no sense. But today we could see all of this easily happen. I had the impression that these are the wars Jesus spoke of in Mathew 24.
He left the impression that the world and followers of Christ in particular would feel this was the end of the world. But Jesus said when we see these days to look up for our redemption draws nigh. As we see the possible outbreak of war between the Koreas I wonder are we beginning to see the start of these terrible wars. I have no word from the Lord one way or the other. This current situation may blow over , but one day soon one of these four powder kegs shall detonate to be followed in short order by the other three. It is time to pray and get your heart right with God.   


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