Demographic Winter Showing World Biblical Law Of Sowing And Reaping
By Jack Minor
Much has been in the news recently about the tide of Syrian refugees streaming into Europe and what it means for the continent’s culture and way of life; however what the world is failing to realize is these issues are a direct result of God’s natural laws of sowing and reaping.
As Muslim refugees come into various countries, stories are already starting to appear indicating they have no intention to assimilate, but rather intend to change the historical Christian influence that propelled Europe to prominence on the world scene during the Industrial Revolution.
If a person was fleeing from persecution to a country willing to welcome them in, the natural tendency would be to be grateful. However, there are multitudes of stories on how these refugees have come with a sense of entitlement that has befuddled citizens of these countries who many times do not have the luxuries being given to the new influx of immigrants.
In Germany, Syrian refugees have complained of slow internet and no cigarettes. In Sweden, refugees were to put up in an exclusive ski resort but they refused to move in because the resort is too cold and too isolated.
The influx has caused civil unrest in many European countries between its citizens, who generally oppose being taken over by immigrants, and government officials who are welcoming the tide of refugees.
Charles Moore wrote about what he called an upcoming demographic winter in the Dec. 26, 2014 issue of The Daily Telegraph.
“In the world in 1980, there were 10.2 old people for every 100 working ones. Today, there are 12.1. In 2050, the UN projects, there will be 24.7,” Moore wrote. “The situation is more extreme in most of Europe and in some far-eastern countries, like Japan, today. Germany has a fertility rate of only 1.43 children; more than 21 per cent of Japanese are over 65. In Britain, this newspaper reported yesterday, there has been a 42-per-cent jump in the number of one-child families in a generation. The old are living longer – a good thing in itself but also, in a society with fewer workers, a problem.”
He went on to predict that the problem is countries with these kinds of demographics is that it will lead to a decrease in the quality of life and bring in poverty.
“Countries shaped this way tend to produce less and consume more. The demographic effect is deflationary. They also require more public services – transport, health, care, pensions. So if the state lacks the tax base to pay for them, it will have to go on borrowing more.”
“We have been obsessed for so long with the fear of population explosion that we don’t think much about what a low birth rate means. Because we tend to think of wealth as a static lump, we assume that people will get poorer if there are more of them to share it. The truth is almost the opposite: wealth is the product of activity and exchange. More people working, more activity, more wealth: fewer people working, less activity; eventually, more poverty.”
China is experiencing the effects of this first hand as it grapples with an aging population imbalance that is setting up an economic time-bomb. It only has a few years to deal with the massive amount of baby-boomers getting ready to expire and has now reversed it's longstanding one-child only policy but many fear this may be too little too late.
They have also set themselves up for a gender imbalance that is going to have social and political ramifications for years to come. Human rights campaigners have long warned that the due to women being coerced into having abortions when they became pregnant with their second child, many couples aborted the female fetuses in preference of a male breadwinner.
According to the Daily Mail "The one-child policy, combined with a traditional Chinese preference for having sons, has created a gender imbalance so severe that there are now 117 boys born for every 100 girls. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be 30million enforced bachelors in China, unable to find wives as there will not be enough women to go around."
What do you do with 30 million fighting age men who are not able to find wives? China may have no choice but to expand it's territory for no other reason that to avoid an uprising at home.
While, most would agree the ideal solution is to increase the population through new births, the problem is many western nations have bought into the argument of overpopulation and have encouraged their people to reduce the size of families.
This advice is contrary to the charge given to both Adam and Noah to “be fruitful and multiply.” What they failed to realize is that unlike other religions that have commandments and rules based on the whims of men, God’s commandments have practical implications for real-world situations. For example, the prohibition against shellfish and pork in Leviticus was because of the lack of consistent cooking temperatures, not simply to establish some arbitrary rule. Even today, experts warn about the dangers of undercooked meat.
Likewise, God’s charge to propagate the species was based on common sense and intended to prevent the situations we are now seeing in Europe and Japan. A similar problem will soon hit the United States as an unprecedented number of baby boomers continue to retire.
In short, the problem the world is seeing is the natural consequence of the law of sowing and reaping. As happens in many cases, the world now is forced to turn to unbiblical solutions to the problem instead of repenting and turning back to God.
As a result, many countries have no choice but to increase their populations with immigrants. This explains the disconnect between Germany’s Prime Minister welcoming Muslim immigrants while the population is rightly concerned.
As a result of their shortsightedness and disobedience to God’s laws Europe may have voluntarily done what the Muslim hordes from the crusades were never able to do. Allow their country to be overrun with Muslims intending to bring in a one-world caliphate that ties in neatly to a one-world government.
As Muslim refugees come into various countries, stories are already starting to appear indicating they have no intention to assimilate, but rather intend to change the historical Christian influence that propelled Europe to prominence on the world scene during the Industrial Revolution.
If a person was fleeing from persecution to a country willing to welcome them in, the natural tendency would be to be grateful. However, there are multitudes of stories on how these refugees have come with a sense of entitlement that has befuddled citizens of these countries who many times do not have the luxuries being given to the new influx of immigrants.
In Germany, Syrian refugees have complained of slow internet and no cigarettes. In Sweden, refugees were to put up in an exclusive ski resort but they refused to move in because the resort is too cold and too isolated.
The influx has caused civil unrest in many European countries between its citizens, who generally oppose being taken over by immigrants, and government officials who are welcoming the tide of refugees.
Charles Moore wrote about what he called an upcoming demographic winter in the Dec. 26, 2014 issue of The Daily Telegraph.
“In the world in 1980, there were 10.2 old people for every 100 working ones. Today, there are 12.1. In 2050, the UN projects, there will be 24.7,” Moore wrote. “The situation is more extreme in most of Europe and in some far-eastern countries, like Japan, today. Germany has a fertility rate of only 1.43 children; more than 21 per cent of Japanese are over 65. In Britain, this newspaper reported yesterday, there has been a 42-per-cent jump in the number of one-child families in a generation. The old are living longer – a good thing in itself but also, in a society with fewer workers, a problem.”
He went on to predict that the problem is countries with these kinds of demographics is that it will lead to a decrease in the quality of life and bring in poverty.
“Countries shaped this way tend to produce less and consume more. The demographic effect is deflationary. They also require more public services – transport, health, care, pensions. So if the state lacks the tax base to pay for them, it will have to go on borrowing more.”
“We have been obsessed for so long with the fear of population explosion that we don’t think much about what a low birth rate means. Because we tend to think of wealth as a static lump, we assume that people will get poorer if there are more of them to share it. The truth is almost the opposite: wealth is the product of activity and exchange. More people working, more activity, more wealth: fewer people working, less activity; eventually, more poverty.”
China is experiencing the effects of this first hand as it grapples with an aging population imbalance that is setting up an economic time-bomb. It only has a few years to deal with the massive amount of baby-boomers getting ready to expire and has now reversed it's longstanding one-child only policy but many fear this may be too little too late.
They have also set themselves up for a gender imbalance that is going to have social and political ramifications for years to come. Human rights campaigners have long warned that the due to women being coerced into having abortions when they became pregnant with their second child, many couples aborted the female fetuses in preference of a male breadwinner.
According to the Daily Mail "The one-child policy, combined with a traditional Chinese preference for having sons, has created a gender imbalance so severe that there are now 117 boys born for every 100 girls. It is estimated that by 2020 there will be 30million enforced bachelors in China, unable to find wives as there will not be enough women to go around."
What do you do with 30 million fighting age men who are not able to find wives? China may have no choice but to expand it's territory for no other reason that to avoid an uprising at home.
While, most would agree the ideal solution is to increase the population through new births, the problem is many western nations have bought into the argument of overpopulation and have encouraged their people to reduce the size of families.
This advice is contrary to the charge given to both Adam and Noah to “be fruitful and multiply.” What they failed to realize is that unlike other religions that have commandments and rules based on the whims of men, God’s commandments have practical implications for real-world situations. For example, the prohibition against shellfish and pork in Leviticus was because of the lack of consistent cooking temperatures, not simply to establish some arbitrary rule. Even today, experts warn about the dangers of undercooked meat.
Likewise, God’s charge to propagate the species was based on common sense and intended to prevent the situations we are now seeing in Europe and Japan. A similar problem will soon hit the United States as an unprecedented number of baby boomers continue to retire.
In short, the problem the world is seeing is the natural consequence of the law of sowing and reaping. As happens in many cases, the world now is forced to turn to unbiblical solutions to the problem instead of repenting and turning back to God.
As a result, many countries have no choice but to increase their populations with immigrants. This explains the disconnect between Germany’s Prime Minister welcoming Muslim immigrants while the population is rightly concerned.
As a result of their shortsightedness and disobedience to God’s laws Europe may have voluntarily done what the Muslim hordes from the crusades were never able to do. Allow their country to be overrun with Muslims intending to bring in a one-world caliphate that ties in neatly to a one-world government.
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