Obama's Legacy: College Protesters Shout 'F*** Your White Tears'
By Bobby Eberle
When Barack Obama was running for president he often spoke of "fundamentally changing" America. Other presidents and candidates have talked about improving America or "making America great again," but Obama was unique with his words. Now, we see what he meant. He HAS changed America, and he has done so by creating a climate of prejudice, hatred, and excuses for unacceptable behavior.
The tensions that first erupted at the University of Missouri have now spilled over into other campuses. Groups aligned with and sympathetic to the Black Lives Matter movement are marching across campus railing about "racial inequality and injustice." Their demands have already caused the resignations of top administrators, and yet no one in authority is calling these kids out and setting them straight.
An ideal person to do this is Barack Obama. But, of course, instead of saying what needs to be said, Obama fans the flames, and in every single instance, he comes out on the side of perceived racism and against the "white man" and the police.
When Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates -- a friend of Barack Obama -- was arrested back in 2009, Obama was quick to play the race card. If you recall, neighbors called the police because they thought someone was trying to break into Gates's home. It turned out to be Gates, but when questioned by police, Gates became abusive and uncooperative, so he was arrested.
Here's the opening of a report by CNN as the story was unfolding:
President Obama said that police in Cambridge, Massachusetts, "acted stupidly" in arresting a prominent black Harvard professor last week after a confrontation at the man's home.So... without "seeing all the facts," Obama immediately said that police "acted stupidly" and implied that the whole thing was racially motivated. By saying "what role race played," Obama is putting race out there as an issue when it was not an issue at all. This happened only about six months into Obama's first term as president, and, as we know, there was more to come.
"I don't know, not having been there and not seeing all the facts, what role race played," Obama said Wednesday night while taking questions after a White House news conference.
When George Zimmerman was on trial for killing Trayvon Martin, Obama was already convicting Zimmerman in the court of public opinion. Obama stated that Martin "looked like him," obviously implying that Martin was only killed because he was black. As it turned out, the jury sided with Zimmerman saying that he acted in self defense when Martin attacked him.
Then there is Michael Brown -- the poster child of the entire Black Lives Matter movement. Brown who was black was unarmed when he was shot by a white police officer. (I wrote that sentence in that way, because that is the extent that Obama or the media will describe what happened.) Yes, Michael Brown was shot after having been high on drugs, robbing a store, and attacking a police officer (punching him and going for his gun). The grand jury sided with the officer, but the facts don't really matter to people like Obama and others who want to play up the incident just to stir up more racial strife.
Obama has come out in support of the Black Lives Matter movement. Blacks are killing blacks all across the country and neither Obama nor the movement ever speaks out. Only when it's a perceived crime or injustice by a white against a black does Obama say anything.
And so we have come to this. Students are protesting because of name-calling and other "injustices." It has now spiraled into demands about hiring, free tuition, and student loan absolution. Obama, as you would expect, has voiced support for the protests. Is it any wonder the protests are spreading and becoming more intense?
As reported by MediaITE.com on Monday, "Protesters at Dartmouth University disrupted students studying in the library, reportedly directing profanity towards white students and physically pushing others."
In a critical editorial, the conservative Dartmouth Review listed some of the epithets hurled by the protesters: "F*** you, you filthy white f***s!" "F*** you and your comfort!" "F*** you, you racist sh*ts!"
In addition, the Review reports that some of protesters became physically violent: "Men and women alike were pushed and shoved by the group. 'If we can't have it, shut it down!' they cried. Another woman was pinned to a wall by protesters who unleashed their insults, shouting 'filthy white b*tch!' in her face."
The flood of demonstrators self-consciously overstepped every boundary, opening the doors of study spaces with students reviewing for exams. Those who tried to close their doors were harassed further. One student abandoned the study room and ran out of the library. The protesters followed her out of the library, shouting obscenities the whole way.Are there no voices out there willing to speak out against this craziness? Our president should be doing it, but all he does is stoke the fire. Imagine if the sentiments in the video below were actually spoken by Barack Obama or anyone who is notable and truly cares about the black community and race relations. Instead, we get rioting, looting, "knock out games," and now college protests.
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