By Alisa Childers
Several years ago, my husband and I began attending a local Evangelical, non-denominational church, and we loved it.
We cherished the sense of community we found among the loving and authentic people we met there, and the intelligent, "outside the box" pastor who led our flock with thought-provoking and insightful sermons.
Sadly, the church started going off the rails theologically, and after about a year and a half, we made the difficult decision to leave. Today that church is a self-titled "Progressive Christian Community."
Back then I had never heard of "Progressive Christianity," and even now it is difficult to pin down what actually qualifies someone as a Progressive Christian, due to the diversity of beliefs that fall under that designation.
However, there are signs—certain phrases and ideas—that seem to be consistent in Progressive circles. Here are 5 danger signs to watch for in your church:
1. There is a lowered view of the Bible
One of the main differences between Progressive Christianity and Historic Christianity is its view of the Bible. Historically, Christians have viewed the Bible as the Word of God and authoritative for our lives. Progressive Christianity generally abandons these terms, emphasizing personal belief over biblical mandate.
Comments you might hear:
The Bible is a human book...
I disagree with the Apostle Paul on that issue...
The Bible condones immorality, so we are obligated to reject what it says in certain places...
The Bible "contains" the word of God...
2. Feelings are emphasized over facts
In Progressive churches, personal experiences, feelings, and opinions tend to be valued above objective truth. As the Bible ceases to be viewed as God’s definitive word, what a person feels to be true becomes the ultimate authority for faith and practice.
Comments you might hear:
That Bible verse doesn't resonate with me....
I thought homosexuality was a sin until I met and befriended some gay people....
I just can’t believe Jesus would send good people to hell....
3. Essential Christian doctrines are open for re-interpretation
Progressive author John Pavlovitz wrote, “There are no sacred cows [in Progressive Christianity]....Tradition, dogma, and doctrine are all fair game, because all pass through the hands of flawed humanity."
Progressive Christians are often open to re-defining and re-interpreting the Bible on hot-button moral issues like homosexuality and abortion, and also cardinal doctrines such as the virgin conception and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. The only sacred cow is "no sacred cows."
Comments you might hear:
The resurrection of Jesus doesn't have to be factual to speak truth....
The church's historic position on sexuality is archaic and needs to be updated within a modern framework...
The idea of a literal hell is offensive to non-Christians and needs to be re-interpreted....
2. Feelings are emphasized over facts
In Progressive churches, personal experiences, feelings, and opinions tend to be valued above objective truth. As the Bible ceases to be viewed as God’s definitive word, what a person feels to be true becomes the ultimate authority for faith and practice.
Comments you might hear:
That Bible verse doesn't resonate with me....
I thought homosexuality was a sin until I met and befriended some gay people....
I just can’t believe Jesus would send good people to hell....
3. Essential Christian doctrines are open for re-interpretation
Progressive author John Pavlovitz wrote, “There are no sacred cows [in Progressive Christianity]....Tradition, dogma, and doctrine are all fair game, because all pass through the hands of flawed humanity."
Progressive Christians are often open to re-defining and re-interpreting the Bible on hot-button moral issues like homosexuality and abortion, and also cardinal doctrines such as the virgin conception and the bodily resurrection of Jesus. The only sacred cow is "no sacred cows."
Comments you might hear:
The resurrection of Jesus doesn't have to be factual to speak truth....
The church's historic position on sexuality is archaic and needs to be updated within a modern framework...
The idea of a literal hell is offensive to non-Christians and needs to be re-interpreted....
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