Monday, February 21, 2011

The Light that Liberates Part One

So many voices from so many different sources are clamoring to be heard today. Voices that promise wisdom and understanding; voices that promise to somehow make sense of the discordant events that are shaping the landscape of our world. In the light of this I should add my own voice in an attempt to help shape the debate and to possibly add insight into what forces are shaping our world today.
Over two thousand years ago the Apostle John wrote of the conflict whose resolution brings understanding and illumination to the human heart. He took us back to the beginning and spoke of the living word having coexisted with God. This living word not only coexisted with God he was in and of himself God.
This living word was the force of all the living forces within our universe. He was able to bring into existence living matter from nothing, because contained within him, this living word was life itself. He was and is the source of all life that exists on whatever plain of existence it may be found. Through him all life finds its origin. Through him all life, in whatever form it may be found is sustained.
That life is the light of mankind. He is not only the creator of life, but within him may be found the reason for existence. As such this living word gives all true meaning to one and all of all that is true. He came into our world as the light of the world that pulls back the clouds of darkness from every heart that believes in him.
His is the voice that can be heard echoing through all the pages of time until our very day. A voice of clarity and reason, a voice of understanding and compassion, a voice who speaks even more clearly in our day, and brings liberation and freedom from the tyranny of evil and oppression. His name is Jesus. He is the source of light that liberates. In this the first of a series we shall examine the heart and message he shared with the world of his day and continues to share in our day and beyond.


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