Friday, April 22, 2011

The Lord Of Life

I have reached back into the prophetic archieve to share the most profound vision I have ever experienced. It is especially relivent as we celebrate this easter season. On a personal note it was a very hard time for me. I had a very serious heart condition and I knew without a touch from the Lord I would not be around much longer.
Five days after I had this vision I recieved my miracle of healing.I find this really noteworthy in light of the conversation I had with the master during this vision I shall relate here. The vision speaks for itself. To God be the glory!

Michael Plemmons

This day dawns and my spirit is stirred with a sense of expectancy. Today finds me in the same cave that I entered five days ago. I am at the moment alone. A cheerful fire is burning in the center of the cave. I have kneaded some flour into bread and the cave is at present filled with the delightful smell of small cakes cooking on the fire.

Although I am alone for the moment I have spent most of the last five days with Jeremiah. We have grown very close in just a few days. I have always admired him for the determined stand for righteousness that he took in his day. His message was not popular and it caused him a great deal of persecution. I can safely say after spending five days with him he has lost none of the fire for which he was known.

I have learned many lessons in the numerous excursions I have made here. One of the most intense revelations it has been my joy to receive is just how active the saints of God that have gone before us are in our lives. Having seen in Jeremiah’s life yet another demonstration of this I am more convinced than ever of this fact.

I have learned how important it is to rest during these seasons of respite that Father gives us. My spirit is at complete peace and I am sitting in front of the fire with my back to the back of the cave. In the foreground beyond the fire is the entrance to the cave. I am sitting on the floor of this cave with my arms wrapped around my knees just staring into the fire.

In the natural world I have been in the most intense battle of my life. The spirit of death and the spirit of sickness have seemingly abandoned their efforts to attack me in the heavenly realms for the time being. Instead they have under taken in the past week an intense barrage against my physical body. I have never suffered in my body the intense constant pain and weakness I have endured this past week.

Yet without attempting to belabor the point he has failed in this effort as well. I long ago counted the cost of being a servant of Jesus Christ and no longer count my own life as precious to me. I am driven by one unmistakable concern, that I may know him. Paul spoke of the fellowship of his sufferings and I see this week as just another example of this.

Looking at the cakes that I have roasting on the fire I can see they have turned golden brown and that they are ready. I stood to my feet and taking them off the fire took them over to the small table against the far wall of this cave. I have turned my back to the entrance of the cave in performing this simple chore.

I heard someone enter the cave, and as I had my back to them I had to turn around to see who it was. My spirit leaped for joy when I saw the master. He was standing at the entrance to the cave. He was wearing a long white robe and seeing me took the white cloth which he had been wearing on his head and lowered it to his shoulders.

Having gotten over my initial shock at seeing him I walked over to him and knelt before him. I have been privileged to see my Lord so many times, and every time I do, I am reminded by the mere sight of him of how much he means to me. Tears began to trickle down my cheeks as I was reminded once more of the joy he brings to my soul.

Looking up at him I could see the love and compassion of his heart as his dark blue eyes made contact with mine. Less than two minutes with my Lord had been more than enough time to make me forget all the suffering I had endured this past week. A warm smile crossed his face as he lovingly and very gently raised me to my feet. He embraced me and gave me a holy kiss on my cheek.

Smiling he walked over to the table where the two loaves of bread I had been roasting on the fire were resting.

He said in a warm cheerful tone, “My son, I see you have mastered the art of preparing manna let us sit and enjoy this bread and fellowship one with the other”.

My spirit was once more filled with joy at the prospect of spending this time of fellowship with him. The mood was warm and relaxing as the master took the bread and having blessed it broke it and passed some to me. I had a wineskin of wine and two goblets already on the table. Jesus looked at me with a look of warmth and affability as I poured a glass for him and for me.
As we ate we enjoyed a time of warm fellowship one with the other. One of the most remarkable things about the master is his love and compassion for us. He is not just my God, but also my friend, and at the moment it is two friends sharing with one another.

Having finished our meal we made our way over to the fire in the center of the cave and sat down side by side. For a long moment he just sat there staring into the fire, the look in his eyes said to me he had something to share.
Turning to me he said, “My son, I know this past season has been hard for you. Your journey up this mountain to this place has brought you to the attention of the prince of darkness and he has commissioned the spirit of death to end this quest once and for all. That is why the battle has been so hard and the afflictions in your body and soul so severe”.

Sighing deeply he looked at me with a look of great tenderness and compassion as the tears formed in his eyes. My heart is moved by his love for me. He who suffered so much for me in purchasing my salvation through the sacrifice he made on the cross, cares so much for me. Taking my hand in his he looked deeply into my eyes and continued.

“Michael my beloved do not look to the circumstances either to the right or the left but keep your faith in me”.

The tone in his voice was deep and powerful. “All power in heaven and earth has been committed unto me. I exist in the past present and future all at once. There is no time or space with me. Come my child for I will share with you the greatest moment in the history of the world. There was a time when all seemed hopeless and that the powers of darkness had won.

You who have suffered so much on my behalf shall receive a new personal revelation that shall change your life forever from this moment forward”.

Having said this Jesus took me by the hand and we were both engulfed in a great light and we were transported. In a moments time the mountain was gone and we were traveling at a great speed and suddenly I found myself here.

Yet where is here? Gone from my purview was my Lord and I found myself outside a small garden late in the night or early morning. I could hear the sound of an encampment just ahead and I began to make my way towards the sound. I know that it is just before dawn when the world of nature all around you is deathly still.

I walked a short distance and to my surprise and amazement I came upon a group of Roman soldiers. There were several of them gathered together and it was obvious to me they had been encamped here all night. Most of them were asleep on the ground and two of them were standing guard. They are about twenty yards in front of me and I was instantly aware they could neither see nor hear me.

I walked right past them and came to the entrance of a small cave with a large rock or boulder sealing the entrance way to the cave. There was a seal placed on the rock in front of the cave. All was completely silent except for the movement back and forth of the two soldiers on guard whose sandals I could hear walking behind me.

All at once I knew where and when I was. These soldiers were here guarding a tomb. As I have said they could neither hear nor see me. I fell to my knees before the large stone in front of the tomb. I realized I had somehow been taken back in time to the tomb of my Lord. This is much more powerful than any vision I have experienced before. I can feel the chill of the early morning air.

Yet I am not filled with a sense of amazement at finding myself here. I have no feelings of excitement as I await the grand moment which is about to occur. No I am plugged into the feeling of the moment as it felt then. All this week I have listened to the voice of death as it whispered in my ear the hopelessness of my own situation.

He has told me over and over again that I cannot win and my struggles for life shall end in failure. Yet I have never felt the oppressive presence of death more completely than I am feeling at this moment. Death had taken the life of the Son of God and more than the Roman guards were standing here. Death itself had claimed its greatest victim. All I could feel was the seeming permanence of death’s victory.

Hell had stood by in glee as they slowly watched the life drain from his body. I began to weep for Jesus. I stood to my feet and walked over to the rock in front of the tomb. Placing my hand on it I fell to my knees sobbing. It felt cold to my touch in the cold damp night.

Then to my amazement I found myself inside the tomb itself! I was still on my knees with my hand on the rock but I had somehow passed through the rock and found myself inside a very small oppressive little room. It was very dark in here yet there was just enough light in here to see a body lying on what looked like a small table. It was wrapped in a burial cloth.

I knew this was a body that had been savagely beaten and abused. I could not see him, his body having been wrapped in this shroud. Yet somehow I knew that underneath this cloth I would find a body beaten beyond recognition. The body and shroud both covered in the dry blood of crucifixion.

This tomb had the most oppressive feeling of death I have ever encountered. Then still on my knees I realized that I was once more outside the tomb. I was still on my knees with my hand on the front of the rock covering the entrance to the tomb.

Standing to my feet I moved a few yards back down the path again, never taking my eyes off the tomb. The feeling this place was engendering in my own heart was one of death. The sense of death I had been feeling in my own life this week seemed small, petty, and inconsequential in comparison to what I saw here.

Looking back beyond the sleeping soldiers I could see the city of Jerusalem and the temple standing in all its glory in the distance. Far off to the east I could see the first faint rays of the sun begin to make its appearance in the night sky.

I did not have long to wait because the ground began to rumble under my feet. Looking back I saw him Michael himself standing in front of the tomb. The Roman soldiers all awakened with a start and at seeing Michael fell before him like dead men.

Michael just stood there waiting for what must surely have been just a moment but the atmosphere was so pregnant with a sense of anticipation that it seemed much longer.

A bright light began to radiate from inside the tomb and I fell on face in the dust of the earth as the glory of the Lord dispelled the gloom of just moments before. Then I saw him. Jesus just walked through the wall of the tomb. Almost at the same time Michael rolled the rock from in front of the tomb.

This was the last thing I remembered as I found myself once more back in the cave on top of the mountain of transformation. I was on my face sobbing over the memory of all I had just seen and experienced. Then from out of nowhere I felt a hand on the top of my head.

Rising to my knees I realized it was my Lord and my God. He who was and is the resurrection and the life was standing right before me.

Looking down at me he said, “I am, that I am. I am the almighty God. My son I had the power to lay down my life and take it up again. Stand firm no matter what the circumstances of any given moment may be. Walk my beloved in the light, power, and glory of my resurrection”.

Having said this he vanished just as suddenly as he had appeared, and I was left sobbing and worshipping on the dusty floor of this cave. To God be the glory!


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