Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Prophets Pen

   There is a new day dawning in our world today. A day of darkness and judgment for the wicked, those who have turned themselves over to the forces of darkness in all its forms. Jesus told us when his disciples asked him what would be the sign of his coming and the end of the age. His number one concern was deception.

  The spirit of Antichrist that the Apostle Paul warned the believers in his day that was already working, is clearly working all over the world in our day. Sometime ago the Lord showed me a vision of a dark cloud covering the land and contained in this cloud was every kind of foul spirit one could even imagine.

 I was profoundly affected at the sight of this cloud and Jesus spoke to my heart and said contained within this cloud were the seeds of distraction. Millions and millions of demons sent to get the focus of Gods people off of the spiritual revelation Father sent through his Son Jesus Christ, and instead fill the church with individuals consumed only with themselves and their own pleasures and individual wealth.

  The body of Christ is overwhelmed with false prophets and teachers who as in the days of old are speaking words of comfort and ease. They are blind and cannot comprehend the darkness all around them and the judgment soon to come. Father is going to clean house soon and raise up a new generation who shall abandon the corruption and shall receive divine revelation from above.

  True servants of God we must make a decision are we going to purge ourselves from this present darkness and open our hearts to that divine wisdom being poured out from above? There is just such an anointing available even in these dark days. A glorious voice speaking from above that the time of separation has come. We must cleanse ourselves, purge ourselves if you will from the degrading voices of darkness all around us.

 We must separate ourselves from the voices of spiritual compromise and with open hearts receive that divine revelation given only from above to allow the Holy Spirit to prepare our hearts for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus Christ to gather his own unto himself. In a time of spiritual deception a new generation of the church is being called into service whose instructions shall come from the Holy Spirit. He  shall write upon the hearts of the separated ones a word, a holy conviction. Men and women who shall stand for God in these days with a message of fire not seen since the days of the apostles so long ago. These souls shall bring a message of conviction to the wicked, hope to the desperate, and healing to the wounded. A message of fire and glory delivered to the world by the right arm of God Almighty himself. Children of the anointed one, the holy one, prepare your hearts to stand. Father shall fill your mouth with words of fire, and pour out on those so prepared signs and wonders that shall prove he is God.  A demonstration of glory that shall consume with its brightness the darkness of hell and set the captive heart free.
                           Michael Plemmons


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