The Light that Liberates Part Five
1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.[a] 2 The earth was formless and empty, and darkness covered the deep waters. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the surface of the waters.
3 Then God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. 4 And God saw that the light was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. 5 God called the light "day" and the darkness "night."
And evening passed and morning came, marking the first day.
(Genesis 1:1-5 NLT)
There are two wonders of the Almighty and both can be seen in the account given to us in Genesis. Nothing has confounded modern science any more than the creation of life. Our solar system is filled with planets and moons. Some are covered by deep gases others can be more plainly seen. Yet with all their differences they all have one thing in common. They are all save for one lifeless.
What is it that makes this third planet from the sun so special? Why did life long ago form here? How did life come into existence? Wide and varied are the opinions of modern science on how this came about. Yet they all agree there was a time when there was no life on the earth. They have chosen to believe that nature itself in some long ago pool of water somehow formed the first cells of life and over billions of years life as we know it evolved on this planet.
Modern science has chosen to ignore the account given us in scripture of the creation of the world. Genesis was not meant to be a moment by moment account of the wonders of creation and how life came into existence. Yet on some points we can be certain. Faith is the criteria that the modern scientist is looking for.
The word of God agrees with modern science that there was a time when there was no life on this planet. The earth was formless, void, covered by oceans of water and darkness. How like the soul of unregenerate man this is. The heart without God is void of all life. This lifeless state much like the account of Genesis about that world of long ago was formless. Not only was there no life present there was no shape or form to create even the very basics of life. The human heart without Christ is much the same. Lost in a world of darkness the human heart left to its own devices has no foundation on which to build or create life.
Instead the human heart without God not only has no life but it is void. There is no life present and man left to himself is incapable of producing that life. Yet all is not hopeless. The account given above tells us in the world of that time the Holy Spirit was hovering over the face of the waters in silent contemplation, brooding.
Modern man is ignorant in these last days that the worlds came into existence at the command of God. There also comes a time in every life when through the revelation of the Holy Spirit the human heart or individual is given an awareness of the reality of a living God. Jesus came to die and be raised again to make possible the life changing ability of the almighty within the human heart.
The account above in speaking of creation says the earth was formless and void. The human heart in that first encounter with the Holy Spirit is convinced by divine revelation of the reality of the death, burial, and resurrection of the Son of God. Of more immediate import he or she is made aware of their need of Christ.
As in the work of the first day of creation they come in contact with life. God said on the first day let there be light. As this pertains to the human heart he is given the inner revelation, that the awareness of the existence of life brings to the heart.. The human heart that is lost without God under the blinding searchlight of the Holy Spirit not only sees that Jesus died for them but also their true spiritual condition.
The second act of that first day of creation was that God the Holy Spirit divided the light from the darkness. Fallen lost man when he sees the true import of what Jesus did on the cross for him sees himself as he truly is. For the first time he sees that he is formless and void. He sees that unlike Christ he is full of darkness and death. He seeing himself for the first time is convinced through the inner workings of the Holy Spirit of his need of Christ.
The Holy Spirit brings the divine revelation of our need of him. He does not leave us in our hopeless formless void of existence. He shows us a way out and thus by the same said divine revelation creates the conditions within the human heart that makes life possible.
In the second day of creation God the Spirit divided the waters below the earth from the waters in the sky. He in other words created the conditions on this planet that made all life possible. Modern scientists sneer at this account given in Genesis for how could there be light or a firmament at all without the life giving properties of the sun.
Peter did well prophase of them that of this they are willfully ignorant that it was God who spoke the worlds into existence long ago. He contains within himself all the life giving properties that are needed to create said life. Surely he that created the sun contains within himself all the light needed for the creation of the firmament needed to create life.
He first created the circumstances that made life possible then created the sun to regulate and continue this life by the radiance of its light. The same Holy Spirit that reaches out to the soul lost in sin creates within that soul upon its acceptance of Christ the ability for life to be created.
Like the firmament was needed to make life possible in the world, the Holy Spirit upon the lost soul’s acceptance of Christ moves into the human spirit and creates the conditions to make life possible within. Think of it! We one and all were at one time lost and undone. We were full of the deceit of darkness and by divine revelation the Holy Spirit in a moment’s time upon our acceptance moved into our hearts and created the conditions that made life possible.
Thanks be unto God he did this. He made life possible in the regenerated human heart and as we shall see in coming installments in this series bring life where no life was possible before.
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