Monday, April 25, 2011

The Light that Liberates Part Six

Then God said, “Let the waters beneath the sky flow together into one place, so dry ground may appear.” And that is what happened. 10 God called the dry ground “land” and the waters “seas.” And God saw that it was good. 11 Then God said, “Let the land sprout with vegetation—every sort of seed-bearing plant, and trees that grow seed-bearing fruit. These seeds will then produce the kinds of plants and trees from which they came.” And that is what happened. 12 The land produced vegetation—all sorts of seed-bearing plants, and trees with seed-bearing fruit. Their seeds produced plants and trees of the same kind. And God saw that it was good.
13 And evening passed and morning came, marking the third day. Genesis (1:9-13 NLT}
The process and wonder of creation as described in Genesis chapter one is an incredible achievement. I have been given the revelation from the Spirit of God the amazing parallel between the creation of the world in Genesis one and the process we call the new birth. Both required a degree of wisdom and sophistication beyond our capacity to understand.
In both the soul lost without God and the world of Genesis 1:2 there are compelling comparisons. Both are devoid of life. The world as it was then was covered by a dark sea in which no life existed. There was no atmosphere above the sea capable of producing life. The heart lost without God is also void full of darkness and eternal death. The human heart in this condition is only aware of the darkness contained within the heart and can only interact with the lifelessness of its environment.
I should like to concentrate on six facts that shall shed light on eternal truth first of all in the creation and in salvation there are three initial comings. In both cases the Spirit of God came, the word of God came, and then the light came. The Biblical account shows the Holy Spirit hovering over the waters of darkness brooding in silent contemplation.
The lost soul through the divine revelation of the Holy Spirit is given an awareness of the darkness contained within and is convinced of their need of Christ. Whenever a lost soul reaches out to God we can be sure that the Spirit of God shall come.
The Spirit of God then brings the word of God as he said let there be light. The moment this occurs the lost soul sees for the first time the light of the life of God and this produces the third coming which was the light came. God the Spirit brought the light of Gods glory to that lifeless void of so long ago. He does the same to the lost soul in need of Christ today. He separates the light from the darkness. The three comings produced three separations.
First of all light was separated from darkness. The first divine revelation the seeker of God sees is the light and freedom of the life of God. He is given by divine revelation a spiritual understanding of the light and reaches out to God for freedom and it is at that moment the light comes into his heart and God the Spirit divides the light from the darkness.
The second separation is the waters above were separated from the waters below. In the world of Genesis life was not possible because there was no firmament surrounding the earth that made life possible. So likewise when we accept Christ as our Lord and Savior the light of life being introduced into the heart or spirit of man divides the light from the darkness inside and he the Spirit then creates the conditions within the human spirit which makes life possible.
We are going into some detail in describing this but if the truth be known all of these things happen almost in a moment’s time. A heart that just moments before was lifeless and devoid of truth has been shown the light and had the Spirit of God within the human spirit separate the light from the darkness and create the internal circumstances which makes life possible.
All of this we have looked at previously but it was necessary to navigate through this information once more to lay the ground work for the revelation we would bring today. On the third day dry land appeared and the word of God describes that life was formed upon it.

We shall divide this revelation into two parts. The type of vegetation and its significance for us we shall look into next time. Today let us focus on this the third and final separation that came into existence on the third day. God the Spirit caused the waters to come together and the dry land appeared from out of the waters of darkness covering the earth.
Jesus Christ was crucified and put to death for the sins of all collective humanity. His death however was not for the purpose of a divine example to the world of the magnanimous love of the divine heart. Jesus came to do more than die. If his act during those three days had been to simply die like any other his death would have produced no more than the death of any man.
He told his disciples he was going to die and on the third day rise again. His death with no resurrection would have left us one and all as lost as we had ever been. He came to die that he might rise again on the third day and in that resurrection the seeds of eternal life for the entire race of lost humanity were born.
Again the Genesis account is a wonder. It was on the third day that the dry land appeared out of the midst of the waters of darkness. It was on the third day that Jesus Christ arose from the grave and contained within him is the life, light, and nature of the almighty God.
He came to bring new life into the inner most recesses of the human heart. Christ himself comes alive within the heart of that individual to whom they have believed the message and responded to the wooing of the Spirit of God. This life is capable of growing and supporting a wide diversity of life. We shall focus next time on the life he brings within but today dear reader I would have you focus on the truth of the gospel revealed today.
Can you see the truth of the scriptures? Are you covered with the darkness of sin and death, surrounded by the dark influences of a world devoid of life and understanding? Realize that the Holy Spirit is hovering at this very moment over your poor lost soul. Ask him to bring the light of God’s life within your heart. Realize and accept your need of Christ.
Confess your need of him and ask him into your life. When you do this the blinding light of the Holy Spirit shall reveal himself to your heart. He shall come into your heart and divide the light from the darkness within. That revelation shall produce in you the conditions for life and the dry land of Christ himself shall come alive within your heart.


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