America In Crisis Part Five
We must ask ourselves more to the point is America simply undergoing an economic crisis or can we see the hand of God in judgment being extended in this hour. The quest for an answer to this question drove me to my knees. After several days of both intense prayer and the study of the scriptures the Lord dealt with my heart that I would find my answer in how he judged other nations in the past. He took me in my search to the past and revealed to my heart that I would find an amazing parallel in the judgments that he brought on the nation of Egypt in the time of Moses and what is happening in our nation today.
Egypt in its rebellion refused to acknowledge the word of God as given to them by Moses. . In the third plague God brought a plague of lice.
So the LORD said to Moses, “Tell Aaron, ‘Raise your staff and strike the ground. The dust will turn into swarms of gnats throughout the land of Egypt.’” 17 So Moses and Aaron did just as the LORD had commanded them. When Aaron raised his hand and struck the ground with his staff, gnats infested the entire land, covering the Egyptians and their animals. All the dust in the land of Egypt turned into gnats. (Exodus 8:16-17 NLT)
- The people of Egypt were consumed with lice in their homes, animals, everything and everywhere. The Lord showed me that a people who turn their backs on God become consumed with an unsurrendered ambition. A vision an inner craving, a lust for power and influence that can never be scratched or quenched. : A people who are suffering this judgment will be consumed with a spirit of compromise. Anything goes as long as my personal fortune, influence, and power are increased.
America has become a nation, which has rejected the creed of morality as taught in the word of God. Instead we worship the gods of greed, avarice, and power. In fact much of the economic chaos that has been unleashed in America has come because of the lack of moral values demonstrated in the nation today.
These plagues brought by God on Egypt build upon one another and the fourth plague logically follows the third. God brought a plague of flies into the land.
If you refuse, then I will send swarms of flies on you, your officials, your people, and all the houses. The Egyptian homes will be filled with flies, and the ground will be covered with them. 22 But this time I will spare the region of Goshen, where my people live. No flies will be found there. Then you will know that I am the LORD and that I am present even in the heart of your land. (Exodus 8 21-22 NLT)
: Flies are unclean and they swarm around the head. The nation that forgets God like flies surrounding the head shall be plagued with voices, opinions, and accusations. They will be consumed with worry and fear both night and day over things of which most of them have no control. Try as they might they will be unable to escape this torment of accusation swirling around their head. Yet note in this plague God made a point of distinction between his people Israel and Egypt in that he did not bring this plague on Israel. The Godly are surrounded by the same discouraging news and reports that everyone else faces with one major difference. They walk and live their lives in the presence of God and no matter what are filled with the peace of God. They will not be consumed with fear but instead their hopes are founded on the bedrock conviction founded on their personal relationship with God.
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